Monday, April 03, 2006

i don't like religion. too much bullshit has gone down on its name. and god, well, she doesn't really make that much scientific sense.

(but let me tell you a parenthetcial secret, i pray at weird times. on airplanes. i get on and im like, yo, god, could you just keep this one in the air? or when i can't find some very necesary item, i say, please jesus let me find this fucking missing tape for work.yes. sometimes i say jesus, even though im not really christian, or jewish, though i have rights to both. but it's just easy to say)

i might try to switch all this to zeus and the like. that was a pantheon i could understand. their anthropomorphic concupiscence (hah, been waiting a while to drop that one), the backstabbing, the nepotism...

im not really going anywhere with this really, im just saying, them greeks sure were right about alot of stuff, why not thundergods, horny as hell, i mean, hades' domain.


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